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Sliders - Review of Episode 8 (Dinosauri)

Reviewing Episode 8 broadcast on 10th September 2000 on Italia UNO. The series title in italian is I Viaggiatori) meaning The Travellers.

In Dino Veritas

The Sliders land in a strange countryside, almost tropical, but it's San Francisco. Dinosaurs are still alive in this parallel timeline. The Sliders have a hard time, Professor Arturo hurts his foot and cannot walk quite well. Quinn loses the timer and leaves to find it. Tyrannosaurus Rex or some Raptor dinosaur is walking around and making it difficult for our Sliders. Meanwhile the others find a cave where they take shelter. But suddenly a woman ranger appears. The woman is actually a hologram projection of the real ranger who is somewhere else, out of the 'dinosaur reserve'. She thinks the Sliders are poachers who want to kill dinosaurs. Suddenly a poacher gets in the scene too. If the Sliders get out of the reserve alive, they would be in big trouble. They manage to get out of there and meet Quinn, and they Slide out of this timeline, into another world. Quinn lands, on a Raptor skeleton in archeological find, and manages to break it to pieces. This is an excellent episode to watch.

Sliders Team  

The Sliders arrive in a parallel world where something is interfering with the Timer. It is a UFO-like craft. Quinn uses the timer and in turn interferes with the craft, which crashes. Quinn and Arturo are too curious, and enter the spacecraft. They find the body of an alien, actually a Kromagg. Arturo triggers an alarm by touching the Kromagg's technological bracelet. Kromaggs, we find out, are cousins of Homo Sapiens, i.e. Homo Cromagnon from which Kromagg is derived. Only on this parallel world have Kromaggs evolved, while Homo Sapiens never evolved. The Sliders slide to another world, where America is called New France. Suddenly a tunnel opens, created by the Kromaggs who have mastered Sliding technology. They capture the Sliders and take them back to their Kromagg homeworld. They are interrogated, tricked into seeing loved ones etc, but the information the Kromaggs seek, basically where the Sliders' homeworld is located, cannot be obtained simply because they do not know its coordinates. The Sliders manage to escape with the help of a 'slave' asian human Mary (a native of some other parallel world which has fallen under the control of the Kromaggs), but they do not know that it has been orchestrated by the Kromaggs. They did it on purpose to find out where the Sliders' homeworld is located. The episode ends on a shivering note.


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Last updated on : 11th September 2000, 13:29